Areas of interest:
Creación de GUI para software astrofísico.

José R. Rodón – JRR (male) obtained his PhD (2016) at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), in Granada, under the supervision of Juan Carlos Suárez Yanes and Julio Ortega Lopera. He has a degree in computer engineering from the Universidad de Sevilla and he is part of CoRot project in the Stellar Physics Department at IAA-CSIC and member of the SST group. He worked from 2006 to 2009 in the EURopean-JapanEse Calorimeter Array (EURECA) project as software engineer making an Astrophysics Software Pipeline in the X-Ray groups of Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA). From 2009 to 2013 he worked in the IAA GRID-CSIC project which was included into the National Grid-CSIC project. He is involved in the development, of Asteroseismology software and VO Table tools and also the portability of numerous asteroseismology applications. He is currently authoring his Ph.D. Thesis "Portability of astrophysics applications to Grid computing infrastructure" at the University of Granada (UGR). He is working in VO developments, e.g TOUCAN (a VO tool designed to manage large collections of stellar models, including asteroseismic models) in collaboration with the Spanish VO.
Research Lines
-Design, implementation and analysis for Management Software for massive calculation of stellar models, Stellar evolution and pulsation codes. -Virtual Observatory Services and Web environments for access to services and Workflows for observational data (Open Science). - Management of distributed platforms for the use of astroseismological FAIR data.
Diseño, implementación y análisis para Software de gestión para cálculo masivo de modelos estelares, Códigos de evolución y de pulsación estelar, Servicios del Observatorio Virtual, Entornos web para acceso a servicios y Workflows para datos observaciones (Open Science). Gestión de plataformas distribuidas para uso de datos FAIR astrosismológicos.