Areas of interest:
Stellar structure

I am a professor of University at the Granada (Spain). There I am building a research group focusing on one of the principal challenges of the stellar physics: understanding the angular momentum transport in stellar interiors. I tackle this problem using asteroseismology, which allows probing the internal layers of stars. I develop this research in three main aspects: rotation-pulsation interaction, mode identification, and analysis of lightcurves. In addition, I have started a new research line which studies the impact of stellar rotation on planetary dynamics. This new research line opens promising opportunities for the future exploitation of the PLATO2.0 space mission.
I developed the oscillation code FILOU during my PhD, which is the only code baed on perturbative theory that properly correct the oscillation frequencies from the effects of rotation. This allowed me to publish numerous asteroseismic analysis on rotating stars and opened collaborations with research teams working on non-perturbative methods. Recently, with my PhD student A. García Hernández we discovered and characterize periodicities in the oscillation spectra of A-F stars allowing to determine their mean densities (recently confirmed with binary stars). With my PhD student J. PascualGranado we have developed a method to properly fill the gaps in lightcurves time series (specially for space missions) and discovered inconsistencies in the harmonic analysis(recently accepted) which, in case of further correction, may lead in a significant step in the proper analysis and interpretation of stellar lightcurves. All these activities are developed within ground-based instruments and space missions: the CoRoT (CNES-ESA), Kepler (NASA), and PLATO (ESA, M3) projects in which I am strongly involved with several responsibilities: member of the PLATO Mission Consortium Board; responsible of three WP, including the coordination of the design and development of the instrument’s main electronic units (MEU); UGR responsible of the asteroseismology science in CARMENES project. PI of a project for PLATO activities (see below) funded by the Spanish MINECO. I am also Scientific Responsible of the TOUCAN project within Spanish VO project (CAB-CSIC).